health insurance

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A woman picking fresh greens'Tis the season for fresh, locally-grown leafy greens. As one of the first seeds to hit the dirt in the early spring, these hearty plants are now hitting the shelves in abundance. High in antioxidants, the benefits of adding more greens to your diet seem endless, with studies touting a number of health benefits, including cancer prevention, stronger bones, brain health, better vision, and healthier skin, among many others.
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Older couple at a doctor visitIt's an invisible facet of the aging process, but more critically linked to maintaining health, functionality, and autonomy than perhaps all else: brain health. From infancy to adulthood, the brain is in a constant state of growth, forming more than a million new neural connections every second in the earliest years of life and achieving 90 percent of its adult volume by age 6.
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Family with adult sonAmidst all the excitement (and worries, reservations, and, yes, sometimes tears) of an emptying nest, parents often fail to consider their kids' health insurance in the ensuing chaos. While most colleges and universities mandate student health insurance, those young adults choosing a different path may fall through the coverage cracks. And, navigating health insurance options and necessities can be overwhelming for even the savviest of parents.
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Telehealth: Is it here to stay? The pandemic changed many things for many Americans, from how we work to how we socialize. One potentially positive shift is that it accelerated the already growing field of telehealth. Suddenly it became easier and made more sense to see your doctor online for basic ailments and routine check-ins. But is telehealth all it's cracked up to be? Here are some common questions you may have about telehealth:
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Water Conservation 101Most Americans don't worry about how much water they use. But life depends on having enough clean, fresh water and this precious resource is becoming more scarce every single year.
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Finance Tips for Growing FamiliesStarting a family is a momentous and joyful occasion. But it can also be quite daunting for some, especially when it comes to the financial aspects involved. Frequent questions include: How much is this all going to cost? What type of insurance will I need?
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Caring for Elderly Family MembersTaking care of elderly parents? Here's how to keep them safe and stay sane. Having the opportunity to spend time with and give back to your elderly parents can be an unexpected gift. But as rewarding as it is, it can also be exhausting, frustrating, and dispiriting at times. Here are some ways to stay sane and enjoy time with your loved ones while you still have them.
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Wedding Season TipsGetting married this summer? Read on for ways that marriage affects insurance and other financial considerations to handle before tying the knot...
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Bon Appetit: Holiday Food SafetyThe holidays are a time for potlucks, office parties, and food-related gifts. But how can you be sure that mystery casserole, fruitcake gift basket, or shrimp cocktail are safe to eat? Here are some tips to keep in mind when you're cooking for a crowd, attending a holiday party, or deciding what to bring to an office potluck.
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Check your Blood Pressure for Heart MonthFebruary is American Heart Month, and even if you don't have heart disease, it's time to learn whether you're at risk, and what you can do about it. High blood pressure is a leading cause of death in Americans and one of the most important things to address for a healthy heart. Yet only about half of those who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure have it under control.
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Six Steps to Taming Your Cold or FluCold and flu season in Connecticut is officially here. Perhaps, as recommended by health departments nationwide, you got a flu shot, and maybe you'll get lucky and avoid getting sick. But if you do catch what's going around, here are six ways to minimize your pain and suffering, and maybe even shorten your illness.
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How much do you know about your skin or skin overall, for that matter? November is National Healthy Skin Month, and a good time to set aside all the latest skincare fads and get some real information about your skin, what it does, and what truly is the best way to take care of it.
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kids going back to schoolAfter a long summer, most parents and (some) kids alike are ready to go back to school. But going back to school also means sending your kids into a sea of germs, and increasing their likelihood of getting sick. In fact, most school-aged children will get 6-10 colds every single year. But there are several things you can do to help your child and the rest of your family stay healthy, and decrease their chances of catching an illness at school.
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September is Healthy Aging MonthWhat does it mean to age in a healthful way? Although it's different for each person, healthy aging is about maintaining a high quality of life at every stage, and cultivating habits that allow you to continue to enjoy your life and do the things you love to do. And while aging is inevitable, aging well is a choice.
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Digital Hearing AidMost of the modern world is plugged in these days to smartphones, ipads and laptops, among other things. And many of us complete the loop by coaxing earbuds into our ears, turning up the sound to shut the world out, even just for a minute. But this practice, along with the increased amount of dangerous noise present in the modern world, is causing epidemic levels of early hearing loss in children, adults and teens. Read on to find out what you can do:
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Did you know this April 26th through May 3rd is National Immunization Week? It's a great time to boost awareness about immunizations and, of course, ensure that you and your loved ones are up to date on vaccinations.
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For most of the children in the Connecticut, the end of August means those lazy dog days of summer are coming to a close, and those books and desks are what will be opening up next. For parents, the back-to-school season is a great time of year to look over insurance policies, and make sure they are up to date. Here are some insurance situations to consider as the kiddos hit the books.
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